I Fotografie de nunta in Slobozia I
Nu am cuvinte sa va povestesc despre Roxana si Florin, sau despre emotiile pe care le am acum.
Pot sa va las cateva cuvinte scrise de Charles Bukowski:
“Invent yourself and then reinvent yourself, don’t swim in the same slough.
Invent yourself and then reinvent yourself and stay out of the clutches of mediocrity.
Invent yourself and then reinvent yourself, change your tone and shape so often that they can never categorize you.
Reinvigorate yourself and accept what is but only on the terms that you have invented and reinvented.
Be self-taught. And reinvent your life because you must; it is YOUR life and its history and the present belong only to you.”
So this is what i did! I first invented myself and now i reinvented myself.
Eyes behind the camera: Irina Ionescu
Videostoryteller: Alexandru Ionescu
Location: Evergreen Events